Virtual Dojo
train anywhere...
Our Virtual Dojo was born out of necessity due to the COVID-19 pandemic to continue teaching students from both of our dojos. Our dojos returned to in person operation at different times. Afterward we decided to continue using the Virtual Dojo to enhance the training of our students and instructors.
Through the virtual dojo we have offered live classes using Zoom, we provide prerecorded classes, private lessons, and joint training with other schools. Some group classes, including the live ones, are recorded and uploaded to our GEMA Virtual Dojo channel on YouTube. We host several videos there including general and advanced classes, how to's, challenges, etc. Many of our videos are public, but some are unlisted and can only be seen by logging into this website. This includes advanced classes and private training videos.
Please become member of our website, it's FREE, to train with us online. Also subscribe to our Virtual Dojo andall of our GEMA YouTube channels.